Food Studio Office:
Prindseloftet | Storggata 36 C, 3 etasje | 0182, Oslo
FoodStudio | Privacy | Webdesign by Limedrop
We want to invite you to a “Community Brunch” on the last Thursday of the month. Intended as a low-threshold meeting place where you can come alone, with a colleague, customer, or an old friend you haven’t seen for a long time.
Quote by: Laurie Colwin
Reconnect with nature and get to know your colleagues in a different way. Get new ideas and do some strategy work with nature as your scenery. We follow the four seasons, making local organic food and facilitate an experience in nature.
We invite for courses on regenerative practices in our farm in Drangedal Telemark. This year we will restore timber logs in the eldhouse, build a sauna and start a process of building. small cabins from our own wood. We invite you to take part in this process.
We invite ourselves to your kitchen and will be based on your leftover and resources create a meal together. It can be in your cantina at work, in a home kitchen or a simple tea kitchen. We adjust and play with what you have.
Food Studio is about sharing stories of people that believe in
good and honest food.
With good and honest food we mean food that both tastes good,
has a positive impact on our health, food that’s responsibly produced,
food that’s a result of plants and animals being treated well, and food that inspires us!
— Cecilie Dawes, Founder Food Studio
Since we have used more resources than we have for a long time, (ref. planetary boundaries) Sustainability is no longer enough. We also must regenerate and rebuild healthy, resilient, and adaptable systems for the future.
We strive to connect people to the essense of all the resources we deal within our everyday life from food, our belongings, our time and our surroundings, in the end leading us back to nature.
If we all strive to live and work with greater honesty and dare to put our needs on the table, we can create positive synergies where everyone wins. This is a contrast to todays. society where we often compromise and play a role that doesn’t feel authentic. Whether you are a human or business, you should use your resources to cultivate your values. The stories you tell the world should be the honest stories of this continuous process.
For almost 20 years, Cecilie Dawes has been working towards a more sustainable food system through powerful tools such as visual communication, service design and the development of alliances. The continous cross-pollination of ideas and practices, both outside and within her own entrepreneurial projects, has made her a central force in Oslo’s food scene, contributing to local development and Oslo’s appearance on the globe.
In 2011 Cecilie quit her job as innovation manager in Deli de Luca (Norgesgruppen), to start Food Studio, which today has grown to become an international network with over 20 countries, and a strong community of trail blazors who wish to redefine the meaning and concept of sustainable living.